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Life can be long, life can be short but one inevitable thing about life is that, we have it only once.

About our foundation


We Live Only Once #WLOO

Life Efficacy Foundation is a Non-Profit Organisation, started in the year 2019 with a mission to bridge the gap between the donor and the ones in dire need.


We are based in Hyderabad, Telangana with a growing footprint in other cities. Our goal is to make the lives of the ones in need more meaningful and give them a purpose to live every moment with happiness.

Our focus is on creating various fundraisers that have a more meaningful impact on society. These fundraisers are not just taking money from the people and donating it to the needy but an event organized that brings a community of people to come to entertain, participate in activities, shop, eat and leave with fruitful memories that they will cherish for years to come.


Fundraiser for Nishulk Prabhat High School. An event to raise funds to help the school raise funds to take care of the ongoing expenses which has taken a huge toll since the pandemic has let them dry and in a position to close down.

More details of the event can be viewed on the get involved page.


If you are someone who is interested in actively volunteering for a cause we support you can simply write to us at and we will be happy to take the discussion forward about how you could best contribute your time and effort and you will also be awarded a certificate for the same.


We work for helping out the underprivileged, indigent and needy children from orphanages and government schools who have the zeal to do more with their lives but are deprived of the basic resources like lack of reading and writing materials and most importantly funds.


Our Ambassador

Preneeja Peelukhana a visiting Life Skills Trainer &  Student Counselor at a couple of orphanages, government schools and colleges. an Organizational Psychologist, Cognitivite Psychology Researcher and Faculty, Employee Counselor, Mentor, Career Guide are some of her work titles. Her love for kids is what gave birth to LIFE EFFICACY FOUNDATION where her aim is to change the way people offer help. She believes that everyone has something to contribute, not necessary in the form of money always, and there is a world of talent out there that needs support in making a living. Through LEF she aims to bridge this gap by providing a platform that could help such talent in creating a better future for themselves. 

She has spent most of her birthdays in the past visiting orphanages, government schools, school for the blind, old age homes, and the joy of spreading love among every child or individual is been her way of being happy and content. 

Counseled over 700+ children in her professional career, some with suicidal tendencies and many other kids that need help or support in understanding themselves and how life can be led in a more meaningful way.

World Record's India declared her as the Youngest Psychologist Author for her debut book - An Anonymous Soul in the year 2018 

She has one Mantra in her life and that's the direction she's headed towards-

"Improve life for the needy, by the needy"


We would love to hear from you!

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